
Learning By Listening

Recently I've been browsing through information online about learning Japanese. I found the advice of Khatzumoto - who was mentioned to me by Bahia (domo arigatoo!) especially interesting and not to mention, entertaining!

Anyway, on his website he strongly urges all "learners" to submerge themselves in the language they are studying. That is you need to LIVE your target language 24/7 (or very close to it). He even mentions sleeping while listening to Japaneses audio!!! While his method seems extreme... well, it sure payed off for the creator (Khatzumoto supposedly became fluent within 18 months!)

And thus, following Khatzumoto's advice... I got a bunch of Japanese films from Netflix and started watching them. It might sound silly, but although I don't understand a thing, I actually feel like I am getting "used to" the sounds.

The cool part is... this isn't a chore, it doesn't even feel like learning. Quick example, today I saw a very interesting film that (by the way) I strongly recommend to all fans of unconventional cinema. The title was "After Life." Here is a brief and spoiler-free summary (in case you are interested).

"After people die, they spend a week with counselors, who help them pick one memory, the only memory they can take to eternity. They describe the memory to the staff who work with a crew to film it and screen it at week's end. 22 dead arrive that week, assigned to three counselors and a trainee."
~ From IMDB

QOTD: What Japanese films would you recommend me? All I seem to find is 60's sword slashers and thrillers (isn't there more to Japanese cinema?)


Anonymous said...

I'll check out that movie.
I don't have any movie recommendations tho. All my searches for Japanese movies have ended up with watching Korean movies :P

Anonymous said...

If you don't mind watching animated movies, I would definitly recommend the Studio Ghibli films! E.g., Spirited Away, Pompoko, Tales of Earthsea and The Cat Returns.

The movie recommended also sounded really good, I'm going to check it out (: